

5 Tips to Lose Weight with a Good Diet Strategy

1. Allow yourself small deviations . I do not think we should be extreme and not allow myself a treat as ... hmm, chocolate cake. But the key is to eat healthy most of the time, and when you allow yourself to eat sweets, do it in small doses. Two or three bites of cake or ice, for example, will not ruin your diet but satisfy your sweet tooth. Eat a whole pot of ice? Better to avoid.

2. Eat small portions when you go out . If you go to a party with lots of food, try to make small parts. Eat only to have more very hungry, then drink some water and talk with people without eating for a while, then when you get hungry again, take another small part, and so on. Prefer a dose of food that fits in your hand. If you separate several small portions over two hours, you will feel good but can never get too caught up.

3. Have substitutes for your little flaws. When I feel the urge to eat something sweet, I often take berries or fruit. My sister Kat loves mix berries with almond butter, chocolate protein powder and water ? snacks strange but satisfying. Some that are your weaknesses, find a substitute that meets these cravings when they inevitably arise.

4. Rid your home of snacks and junk food . If you're not very healthy food at home, you'll be more inclined to sell at a time and eat. But if you rid your home of these foods, you will not have that temptation. Empty your fridge and your cupboards sweets, pastries, frying food in refined flour, fats such as potato chips and French fries, etc..

5. Bring your own healthy food at a party . If allowed, bring a dish to a party where you plan to attend, and make it healthy. I love bringing my two favorite: Chile Leo, and my Best soup ever.

6. Fill up water, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in the evening . Many festivals have at least two options among them there ? some fruit or vegetables, maybe a little lean protein that is not fried. I would fill it all, even if it is not really flat, and I eat a healthy dish later.

Irfan abbas is a short Blogger, novelist and very popular author from pakistan. He has work appearing or forthcoming in over a dozen venues, including health tips Mag, He especially writes in urdu. You can visit his website created mostly in Urdu language at

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